Changes in interest rates have made getting home loans a lot more challenging. With increased rates come higher monthly mortgage payments and finding the best loan possible becomes very important. Broadly speaking interest rates on home loans are the highest they have been in several years. However, even in a challenging market, there are deals to be found and money to be saved. In times of high interest taking the best approach allows you to find a mortgage that fits your budget. Here are three tips to help you do so.
Three Tips For Reducing Your Loan Rates In Time of High Inflation
- Consult Multiple Lenders: like many purchases shopping around can help you with your mortgage rate. Talking to multiple lenders gives you several figures to compare to find the best rates for your mortgage. Also, there are several types of lenders including banks, credit unions, and other financial experts and institutions.
- Use Independent Brokers: you don’t have to go through a bank to get a home loan or contact multiple lenders on your own. When you need Denver home loans an independent agent can help. Independent agents work for their clients and seek out the best loans from all available options available to the buyer. They want to get you a loan you can work with because their business succeeds when you do. This is an excellent option if you don’t have the time or inclination to contact various lenders and compare rates.
- The Size of Your Down Payment: the downpayment you make has a notable impact not only on the amount you owe on your loan but the interest rate as well. The loan-to-value ratio or LTV measures how much of the loan total your down payment covers. With a small down payment, you have a higher LTV which increases your loan interest rate due to the bank having to provide a greater portion of the loan. With a higher down payment, the lender has a lower risk rate which can bring down your interest rate. In general, 20 percent or more is recommended, and it also allows other advantages such as more flexibility with mortgage insurance.
Final Thoughts
While the lower interest rates of the past are currently unavailable, there are still ways to find a mortgage with an agreeable interest rate. An important aspect of finding a good interest rate is to do your research and take your time. Taking the first deal you are offered limits your ability to compare rates and find the best mortgage for homeownership.