Nature intended for us to have a full set of teeth to help us eat, talk, and smile. Unfortunately, what nature gives, nature sometimes takes away, and our teeth become damaged, or even lost! Sometimes we may be at fault in this if we haven’t cared for our teeth properly with daily brushing and flossing, but sometimes we are just unlucky, an accident of genetics gives us weaker than normal teeth, or we are the victim of an accident. The thing is, we need our teeth to live properly, they are important to us physically and socially! So, if your teeth become damaged or lost, what can you do? Fortunately, there is an answer- dental implants!

Dental implants are sophisticated artificial replacement teeth that are designed to mimic the natural tooth structure. A root made of titanium is inserted directly into the bone. These roots can support replacement teeth or tooth that look like, feel like, and does the job of a real tooth! Best yet, they are stronger than a natural tooth and can last a lifetime when proper care is taken of them. If this sounds like it could bring a smile back to your face, then it’s easy to get dental implants in Sunshine Coast, the dental professionals there install thousands of dental implants to replace single and multiple missing teeth to happy patients every year! 

So, who are the people that could benefit from receiving dental implants? If you happen to have lost one or more teeth, or suffer from decaying or broken teeth that are beyond other methods of repair, dental implants are your best solution to the problem by far! People who are uncomfortable with bridges and dentures will really appreciate the look and feel of having teeth that are better than those they were born with!

In the earlier stages of research, patients who lacked sufficient bone in their jaws, or who suffered from certain habits and health conditions were considered to be unsuitable candidates to receive dental implants. Now, significant advances have taken place in bone reconstruction and diagnostics that enable almost all patients to enjoy the benefits!

The most important benefit is the fact that your dental implants look, feel, and act the same as natural teeth do, most people can’t even tell the difference! The implants will restore your ability to chew properly so you can eat the foods you enjoy again with no difficulty at all. You will be able to eat a better diet and feel whole and healthy again.

Dental implants from a braces doctor can also prevent the loss of bone. When a tooth is missing the jaw bone beneath the empty space lacks stimulation from the tooth, and will begin to deteriorate. Just going one year without a tooth or an implant can result in bone loss of around 25% of the original volume, and if no action is taken that trend will continue for the rest of your life! Not only that, but a gap or missing tooth becomes a trap for food and bacteria that can cause gum disease. The dental implant replaces the tooth and its root so that normal chewing can happen again, which provides the stimulation necessary for healthy bone growth.

While bridges and dentures have helped many people over the years, they are now considered to be the lesser solution to the problem, having been surpassed by the new dental implant technology. The bridges and dentures might last around ten years before needing replacement, whereas dental implants are made to last for the rest of your life! The materials used are bio-compatible, non-toxic, and the body will never reject them. Recipients of dental implants can brush, floss, eat, and speak in a completely normal fashion, the replacement teeth completely mimic the natural teeth! 

The Australian Government’s Healthdirect website has more information on dental implants. Dental implants are a wonderful modern solution to an age-old problem. We hope this article gave you something to smile about!


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